Primary Technology Area: Industrial Transformation

  • Steam Additive Pilot to Enhance Thermal Recovery Efficiencies of Heavy Oil

    Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) is a major oil recovery technology of the Alberta oil sands resources. This process involves injecting large amounts of steam into the reservoir to recover the bitumen. The steam is generated by burning natural gas, which creates CO2 emissions and operational costs. An efficiency metric, the steam-oil ratio (SOR), is…

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  • Alberta Brines to Battery-Grade Lithium: 2024 Demonstration Program

    E3 Lithium (E3) is proposing to produce battery grade Lithium Carbonate (LC) from locally sourced brine in Alberta, using a direct lithium extraction (DLE) process. The DLE process involves the deployment of sorbent materials that selectively capture lithium-ions from the brine while excluding other ions. E3 also plans to incorporate water recycling to create a…

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  • ibex SAGD steam and solvent TRL 7 field trial

    The ibexTM steam generator prototype will be modified for continuous operation and tested in the lab and in the field with live fluids at a thermal oil sands operator site. The proprietary contactor will also be scaled up to provide key optimization data for the design of the full-scale facility. The aim is to safely…

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  • Evaluation of reduced enteric methane emissions in beef cattle using a novel vaccine at research farms in Alberta

    Testing a novel inoculant designed to target methane-producing bacteria in cattle with the aim of reducing methane generation from the digestion process. 

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  • Commercial Demonstration of the ST Technology

    The purpose of this project is to complete the final step in the commercialisation of the ST Technology. A successful demonstration of a commercial-scale ST system under field conditions is the final step to launch the technology commercially. The ST Technology is designed to decontaminate soil using an innovative ex-situ electrokinetic process. Contaminated soil is…

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  • Rokk Multilateral Wells for Unconventional Reservoirs

    For this project, Rokk Energy Technologies Inc. will demonstrate its Pad-Free™ multilateral system that includes two new patented technologies allowing multilaterals to be widely adopted in unconventional oil and gas reservoirs. The Casing Exit Coupling (CEX™) attached to the intermediate casing allows efficient and precise placement of a window through the casing to add an…

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  • Commercial Scale Micronized Sulphur Fertilizer and Soil Amendment Facility

    Sultech’s proprietary and patent protected micronized sulphur technology develops products for a sustainable circular economy. It converts elemental sulphur (“S°”), a low value by product of hydrocarbon processing, into an alternative to carbon intensive synthetic fertilizers. This project is a pivotal milestone in the role out of a climate smart, organic product with confirmed market…

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  • Launching the GoVAC® MAX System in Alberta

    When natural gas pipeline operators perform maintenance operations, upgrade pipelines, remove pipelines from service, or conduct pigging operations, the segment of pipeline being worked on must be evacuated of the natural gas prior to commencing work. Too often this natural gas is simply released, or vented, releasing methane into the atmosphere. Another common practice is…

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  • Pre-Commercial Production of Carbon Fibre and Carbon Fibre Products using Alberta Bitumen Vacuum Refinery Residue-Derived and Asphaltenes-Based Precursors

    Thread’s Vision is to advance sustainable human evolution of structure and design by unlocking the productive efficiency of carbon fiber. Cumulating from over seven years of innovation, Thread has developed proprietary and patent-pending process technology to produce carbon fiber from Alberta oil sands bitumen-based feedstocks. Regarded as a strategic material in next-generation structure and design,…

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  • Development of Lower-Cost High-Value Carbon Fibres from Alberta Bitumen Derived Feeds

    Bitumen derived carbon fibres provide a route to not only create low-cost high-performance fibres for clean tech, but reduce the carbon footprint of carbon fibre production. Based on scientific advancement, the project aims at the development of functional carbon fibre prototypes for applications such as electromagnetic shielding for battery cases, conductive filaments for anodes, 3-D…

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