Since 2009, our technology investments have helped innovators develop and demonstrate Alberta-based technologies that reduce emissions, lower costs, attract investment, and create jobs in Alberta.


ERA Investment

Total Project Value

of cumulative emission reductions by 2030
Technology Challenges
Through competitive funding calls, ERA invests in the pilot, demonstration, and deployment of clean technology solutions to help drive Alberta toward a carbon-neutral economy.
Energy Efficiency Programs
By supporting energy efficiency capacity building, training, and retrofit projects, ERA advances the deployment and adoption of fully commercialized cost- and energy-saving technologies in support of economic growth and GHG reductions.
Big News
Our Impact
Mercer Peace River Pulp Mill Improves Fibre Procurement Process
Mercer Peace River (MPR) transformed its fibre procurement process at its Northern Alberta pulp mill, improving environmental performance and creating a more sustainable business model.
New Tech Helps TAQA North Reduce Gas Plant Emissions In Half
TAQA has re-vamped the Crossfield, Alberta facility with a new solution for acid gas, improving their production efficiency and reducing GHG emissions.
City of Edmonton and Strathcona County trial hydrogen buses
The City of Edmonton is exploring new sustainable transportation technology by purchasing and testing new bus technology, powered by hydrogen, through the Alberta Zero Emission Hydrogen Transit (AZEHT) initiative.
Sparks Eggs Eliminates Waste from the Sorting and Packaging Process
By creating valuable pet food and animal feed from commercially unsalable egg products, Calgary’s Sparks Eggs is doing something never done in Canada.
We use a rigorous multi-stage process to select projects for funding. This helps ensure that ERA’s funds are invested in accordance with our mandate.
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