Primary Technology Area: Circular Economy

  • Recycling of hard to recycle PET clamshell materials into food grade packaging

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  • Lignin Based Production of Hard Carbon for L-ion Battery (LIB) Anodes

    Demand for electric batteries is increasing at unprecedented rates, driving demand for anode grade activated Hard Carbon (HC), a key component in several battery technologies, including L-ion Batteries (LIB). Without a North American source, North American based battery makers must import activated carbon from Asia, generating GHG emissions from transportation and creating a supply chain…

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  • Demonstration of CVW Sustainable Technology at Canadian Natural Horizon

    The project aims to remediate oil sands froth treatment tailings at Canadian Natural’s Horizon Oil Sands site. Titanium’s technology has the potential to create new economic opportunities by recovering highvalue minerals contained in this tailings stream.

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  • Carbon Nanoplatelet Production from Exhaust CO2 Emissions

    Carbon Upcycling Technologies uses CO2 emissions to create nanoparticles that enhance everyday materials like concrete, plastics, and batteries. The Calgary-based start-up has identified over 10 different applications across various market sectors. They are one of four Canadian companies in the finals of the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, establishing them as one of the top carbon…

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  • Lacombe Biorefinery

    Through its Lacombe Biorefinery project, BioRefinex aims to commercialize patented thermal hydrolysis technology that transforms animal waste into organic fertilizer and feedstock for renewable natural gas (RNG) production. BioRefinex aims to deploy this technology via completion of engineering design, construction, and operation of a $46 million biorefinery. The Lacombe Biorefinery facility will be located in…

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  • Carbon Reforming to Economic Additives for Transitioning into Emission-less era

    The key objective of the CREATE project is to accelerate the development and commercialization of new carbon capture and utilization technology developed by a spin-off company, Carbonova Corp. (“Carbonova”), of the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. The technology converts waste heat and industrial CO2 streams into valuable products based on carbon nanofibers and will…

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  • Transformation of CO2 to Valuable Carbon Nanotube Composites

    Carbon Corp’s technology transforms CO2 into carbon nanotubes (CNT). CNTs have widespread use with applications in concrete, graphene, construction material, batteries, consumer electronics, wind turbines, aircrafts, automobiles, and more. Carbon Corp is operating a pilot plant in Calgary at the ACCTC to validate the technology at commercial scale. Edmonton-based Capital Power, an investor in CARBON…

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  • High-Value Synthetic Chemicals and Gasoline Drop-In Liquid Fuels from Canada’s CO2 and Flare Gas Emissions

    Based on over a decade of research from NASA, the DOE and a number of industrial projects, Pioneer has developed a process to create butanol from greenhouse gases. Butanol is an attractive alternative fuel substitute that also has many other applications. This innovative process also addresses key production issues facing other alternative fuels, including development…

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  • CO2 Conversion to Methanol through Bi-reforming

    With funding from ERA, the University of California Riverside (UCR) created an innovative catalyst to be used in the conversion of CO2 and Methane (CH4) to produce methanol—a valuable fuel and intermediary chemical. This catalyst makes improvements on catalysts currently available, but still can be adopted for use by conventional processes currently in operation. This…

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  • Solidia Concrete – a Sustainable Method for Cement Production and CO2 Utilization

    This project provided Alberta with new cement and concrete products with the goal of offering equivalent cost, superior performance and 70 per cent reduced CO2 footprint compared to Portland cement. The patented technology, proven at full-scale, uses CO2 to cure low-lime cement and achieves full strength concrete within 24 hours. Initial markets are precast masonry…

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