Project Industry: Agriculture

  • Evaluation of reduced enteric methane emissions in beef cattle using a novel vaccine at research farms in Alberta

    Testing a novel inoculant designed to target methane-producing bacteria in cattle with the aim of reducing methane generation from the digestion process. 

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  • Advancing Leading Edge Horticultural Lighting Technology

    SmartGRO Bioengineering Inc. has developed a proprietary, AI powered horticultural lighting system which has been shown in controlled trials to use up to 80% less electricity to produce an equivalent quantity of harvested fresh weight as compared to the horticultural lighting industry’s leading LED products. This technology offers a significant opportunity to help producers reduce…

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  • Carbon-Free Heat Processing

    PIP Lethbridge Inc. (PIP) is a wet fractionation processing facility with high thermal demand. PIP is implementing an innovative Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system that utilizes a patented technology to store heat in crushed rocks. This TES system, with its high efficiency and modular design, is anticipated to fully decarbonize the process heat and generate…

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  • Electric Boiler

    McCain foods is in the process of a $600 million expansion of their Coaldale, AB potato processing facility. The completed facility will have significant steam demand, currently supplied by natural gas boilers. As an addition to the main expansion project, McCain is implementing an electric boiler to generate a portion of steam for the plant.…

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  • Inedible Egg Powder Project

    Sparks Eggs, division of Golden Valley Foods Ltd. sorts, grades, and packages fresh eggs to retail, food service and commercial partners. During the grading process a portion of the eggs are determined to be inedible. This category of product is not able to be sold to market generating waste. With a commitment to sustainability and…

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  • Achieving carbon neutrality through the datafication of wastewater from livestock

    IWR Technologies Ltd.’s livestock division Livestock Water Recycling, has developed a technology (known as PLANT) that transforms paunch manure into two distinct natural fertilizers, reducing on-farm methane emissions by up to 82 per cent in cattle processing. PLANT uses progressive water treatment technology to extract manure particles from water and segregate these into valuable fertilizer…

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  • Opti-Cart from Optimal Agricultural Equipment Ltd.

    Dual-Purpose Grain Farming Equipment Approved for funding through ERA’s Food, Farming, and Forestry Challenge in 2021, the project manufactured and tested a dual-purpose grain cart and seed tender unit for the grain farming industry. By project completion in 2023, the Opti-Cart was able to be used in both seeding and harvest operations. Optimal Agriculture Equipment…

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  • Cattle Feed Additive for Reducing Methane Emissions

    The project by Synergraze Inc. is aimed at commercially growing and processing a natural cattle feed additive based on a strain of red algae. At less than one per cent inclusion level, the feed additive is capable of reducing methane emissions in cattle and other ruminants by up to 90 per cent while also increasing…

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  • Using Ag waste and craft brewer’s grain to grow high value mushrooms and produce livestock feed

    A Sustainable Specialty Mushroom Cultivation System Approved for funding in ERA’s Food, Farming, and Forestry Challenge in 2021, Ceres developed a system to sustainably produce mushrooms for the Alberta market. The first commercial demonstration of Ceres’ system was achieved by project completion in 2024, with plans to further increase mushroom production for export.   Ceres…

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  • Demonstrating the impact of genomics-enhanced whole herd genetic management platform on reducing beef greenhouse gas emissions

    This project includes the development and demonstration of a genomics enhanced whole herd genetic management platform for the beef industry. This platform will predict the genetic merit of growth, feed efficiency, carcass, and fertility traits as well as retained hybrid vigor. Demonstration of the platform is based on the premise that more efficient cattle not…

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