Program Resources
All our webinars are available to watch below. Please note, there have been some program changes since the webinars were recorded. Please make sure to check program documentation to ensure you are up to date.
Energy Savings for Business: Overview of the Updated Incentives Payment Process
Energy Savings for Business: How to Boost Your Business with the ESB Program
Energy Savings for Business: An Overview of the Incentives Payment Process
Energy Savings for Business: Program Update, Q&A Session export
Energy Savings for Business: Overview of WER Measures, New CHP Incentives & New Construction
Energy Savings for Business: Overview of how to submit a Post Project Application and Change Request
Energy Savings for Business Program: An Overview of Food Services Equipment Measures
Energy Savings for Business Program: An Overview of HVAC and Water Heating Measures
Energy Savings for Business Program: An Overview of Refrigeration Measures
Energy Savings for Business Program: An Overview of Combined Heat Power CHP and Geothermal Measures
Energy Savings for Business: An Overview of Process Heating, Compressed Air & Building Envelope
Through additional financial incentives for participants bundling efficiency measures and new technology types, CES supports facilities that are aiming to achieve deeper emissions reductions and energy savings.
Email: support@esbprogram.ca | Toll-free: 844-407-0025
This pilot program offers a new pathway for Alberta businesses to propose effective, commercially viable technologies with a high return on investments not currently supported through the Energy Savings for Business Program.
Email: etp@esbprogram.ca | Toll-free: 844-407-0025