Primary Technology Area: Energy Efficiency

  • High Temperature Membranes for SAGD PW Treatment

    Suncor will partner with Devon Energy and Suez (formerly GE Water) to demonstrate High Temperature Reverse Osmosis (HTRO) membranes for SAGD water treatment. The project will validate the technology for application in high-temperature SAGD conditions. If successful, the membranes could eliminate the need to reduce the temperature and pressure of produced water prior to water…

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  • Kearl ConDex Flue Gas Heat and Water Recovery Project

    This project will demonstrate ConDex boiler flue gas and water recovery technology at Imperial’s Kearl Oil Sands mine. The ConDex technology is designed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by capturing and using exhaust heat otherwise lost to the atmosphere through the flue gas streams in oil sands mining operations. The technology is a high-performance…

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  • Digital Optimization using Advanced Process Control in an In-Situ Facility

    This project involves the implementation of a digital optimization technology known as Advanced Process Control (APC) at Suncor’s Firebag and MacKay River in situ facilities. The technology combines algorithms with machine learning and data analytics to enhance process control performance. Examples of areas where optimization could be implemented include well-pad steam distribution and steam quality…

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  • Field Pilot of Multilateral Well Technology to Reduce GHG Intensity of SAGD

    This project will use innovative drilling and completion methods and thermal junction technology in existing Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) vertical wellbores to increase production from a single surface location. Thermal junction technology enables the drilling of multiple lateral sections without the need for additional above ground capital. The technology should lower costs for infill…

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  • Kraft Pulp Mill Flue Gas Energy Recovery Project

    This project will deploy a heat recovery system at the Al-Pac Kraft Pulp Mill to capture heat from the plant’s flue gas stream. The recovered flue gas heat will go into the hot water system for the facility, freeing up steam to generate additional “green” electricity. The innovative aspect of this approach is the unique…

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  • Energy Intensity Reduction through FCDs and NCG

    This project will implement flow control devices (FCD) and non-condensable gas (NCG) injection at Athabasca Oil Corporation’s in situ facilities in the Alberta oil sands. FCDs are valves installed downhole that improve the inflow distribution of oil along the well, enabling improved recovery without additional steam generation. NCG complements this by offsetting some steam injection…

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  • In-Pipe Turbine Generator Field Demonstration Project

    ZKO has partnered with Peyto Exploration & Development to demonstrate an in-pipe turbine generator that uses flowing natural gas in the pipeline from the wellhead to generate electricity, which is used to power chemical injection pumps, eliminating a large source of methane venting in natural gas production. Chemical injection pumps currently operate pneumatically and vent…

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  • Remote Generator Compressor System

    Gentherm Global Power Technologies is developing a Remote Generator Compressor System (RGCS) to help oil and gas operators quickly eliminate methane emissions from pneumatic devices while facilitating the long-term transition from pneumatic controls to digital controls. The RGCS is a self-contained, skid-mounted system that efficiently converts natural gas into electricity and compressed air. Gas facility…

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  • Innovative Enzergy™ Bio Enzymatic Coal Treatment Will Significantly Reduce Greenhouse Gases and other Pollutants at Favorable Cost, Reduce Plant Life Cycle Costs, and Enable Alberta’s Use of Lower Quality Coal

    B&C Energy Services Inc. (B&CES) provides engineering and consulting services and products to energy sector clients with a primary focus on coal-fired energy sources. Energy products include fuel-conditioning additives for enhancing completeness of combustion, lowering excess air and slagging migration. Not only do their fuel additives result in reduction of fuel consumption, significant reduction in…

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  • Netzero homes incorporating home efficiency and solar

    Homeowners consume 19% of the natural gas and 16% of electricity used by Albertans. Even small improvements to energy efficiency can mean big reductions in GHG emissions. In the case of new homes, total improvements can represent as much as 40% of the total. The best way to create energy efficient houses is to build…

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