Innovative Enzergy™ Bio Enzymatic Coal Treatment Will Significantly Reduce Greenhouse Gases and other Pollutants at Favorable Cost, Reduce Plant Life Cycle Costs, and Enable Alberta’s Use of Lower Quality Coal

B&C Energy Services, Inc.

Project Type


Project Value


Project Status



Forestburg, AB

Funding Amount


B&C Energy Services Inc. (B&CES) provides engineering and consulting services and products to energy sector clients with a primary focus on coal-fired energy sources. Energy products include fuel-conditioning additives for enhancing completeness of combustion, lowering excess air and slagging migration. Not only do their fuel additives result in reduction of fuel consumption, significant reduction in regulated pollutants has also been demonstrated.

B&CES’s EnzergyTM application aims to improve combustion and thermal efficiencies of burning coal while reducing flue gas emissions such as CO2, NOx and SO2. The demonstration project explored if B&CES’s EnzergyTM may be able to provide a substantial long term savings over other technologies and assist the power industry in obtaining fuel cost savings while striving for combustion emissions reduction.