
We are excited to announce the companies who have received funding approval through the ETP funding stream to date:

Poly-C Farms

Poly-C Farms is a family-owned and operated dairy farm that has been producing milk in Alberta for over 25 years and is seeking to become more sustainable and efficient in their practices. Their innovative project is the replacement of a diesel-driven skid steer used to clean dairy cattle manure with an electric, automatic Lely Discovery 120 cleaner, which will reduce required labour, increase cattle productivity, and save approximately 16 tonnes of carbon emissions per year. They have been awarded approximately $50,000 in incentives from the Expanded Technologies Pilot program.

Big Marble Farms and Rolling Acres Farms

Alberta vegetable growers, Big Marble Farms and Rolling Acres Farms have partnered together to increase the sustainability of their growing practices. Receiving $350,000 in funding from the ETP program, the duo is installing computer-controlled energy curtains in two greenhouses that will automatically open or close the curtains based on the sunlight and temperature needs of the plants inside. This upgrade will reduce their heating requirements and save approximately 827 tonnes of carbon emissions per year between their two buildings.

Ecopilot AI Canada

Ecopilot software is an add-on to an existing Building Automation System (BAS) that uses real-time data, and 5-day weather forecasts to exploit the building thermal mass to provide heating and maintain cooling within higher mass concrete building structures.

Specifically, the primary building control strategy is to provide a more predictive boiler and chilled water supply temperature adjustments (commonly referred to as a supply water temperature outdoor air temperature reset) strategy. Additional temperature sensors are installed in the building to substantially increase the number of space temperature data points compared to the existing BAS system. This information is analyzed and through algorithms, it is optimized to improve and control building temperatures in zones of approximately 1,000 ft2.

Ecopilot completed the installation of the technology in three buildings (Aspen, Kanas and Triovest) to increase energy savings and reduce utility bill costs.

Their innovative project is anticipated to save approximately 140 tonnes of carbon emissions per year. They have been awarded approximately $135,000 in incentives from the Expanded Technologies Pilot program.

Landmark Cinemas

Landmark Cinemas is a well-known and established theatre company in Alberta. The scope of their project was to retrofit movie projector systems in three movie theaters (two in Calgary and one near Edmonton). Specifically, inefficient xenon lamps were retrofitted with a high efficiency laser system.

The laser projection system uses less power during operation and does not require the use of an exhaust system for cooling, saving the energy of running an exhaust system as well. The laser retrofit also results in less waste in the form of used bulbs, less maintenance and training to operate, and does not emit harmful radiation

Landmark Cinemas’ innovative project is anticipated to save over 100 tonnes of carbon emissions per year. They have been awarded approximately $210,000 in incentives from the Expanded Technologies Pilot program.

Poly-C Farms

Poly-C Farms is a family-owned and operated dairy farm that has been producing milk in Alberta for over 25 years and is seeking to become more sustainable and efficient in their practices. Their innovative project is the replacement of a diesel-driven skid steer to push feed for the cattle with two electric, automatic Lely Juno feed pushers, which will reduce required labour, increase cattle productivity, and will save over 8 tonnes of carbon emissions per year. They have been awarded over $26,000 in incentives from the Expanded Technologies Pilot program.


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Cornerstone Co-op

Located in central Alberta, Mannville Co-op is one of eight stores in the Cornerstone Co-op group. The grocery store reduced its ecological footprint through food diversion and donations, recycling bags for breakfast programs, repurposing older equipment by donating to the local food bank and animal shelter, and recycling more than 300 tonnes of paper and cardboard in one year. It is not surprising that they have been recognized and awarded for their excellence in sustainability.

Looking to further reduce their energy consumption and GHG emissions, Mannville Co-op invested in the Oxford Low-Pressure Platform refrigeration system invented and manufactured by Oxford Energy Solutions. The technology will help reduce operating and maintenance costs by up to $24,000 per year, decrease utility bills, and save approximately 23 tonnes of carbon emissions per year. Savings estimates will be confirmed after reviewing post-installation utility bill data.

Mannville Co-op was awarded $92,000 in incentives from the Expanded Technologies Pilot Program.