Project Industry: Transportation

  • Canadian Hydrogen Refueling Technology Suite

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  • Advancing Hydrogen in Municipal Fleet

    As technology progresses and hydrogen suppliers establish operations in Alberta, The City of Calgary (The City) acknowledges the potential of Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (HICE) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) technologies to serve as safe and functional diesel engine alternatives for medium and heavy-duty fleet vehicles and equipment. With funding from Emissions Reduction Alberta,…

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  • Alberta Zero-Emissions Fleet Fueling (AZEFF) Project

    The Alberta Zero-Emissions Fleet Fueling (AZEFF) project will see Edmonton Region municipalities seek to enable the adoption of hydrogen fuel for heavy-duty fleet vehicles such as transit buses, Class 8 semi-trucks, and Class 7-8 vocational trucks such as dump trucks, refuse trucks, and plow trucks. The AZEFF will cultivate a comprehensive understanding of obstacles within…

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  • Guardian Hydrogen Diesel System

    Diesel Tech Industries (DTI) is a trusted and well-established Edmonton based company with 20+ years in the transport industry technology field. Our mission is rooted in driving innovative technology to the transportation industry. DTI is developing a retrofit technology to co-combust hydrogen and diesel in existing diesel combustion engines. Depending on hydrogen-diesel blend ratio, Guardian…

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  • Hydrogen Supply and Refueling Infrastructure

    Linde is building production, distribution, and refueling infrastructure in Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan to supply low carbon intensity (C.I.) hydrogen as transportation fuel to the region. The new facilities will expand on Linde’s existing bulk hydrogen production and distribution assets in Fort Saskatchewan to create new capacity with the capability to supply more than 1,000…

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  • Heavy-Duty Hydrogen Fueling Station in Alberta Transport Corridor

    To help build Alberta’s hydrogen ecosystem, HTEC will design, build, own, and operate a first-of-kind permanent hydrogen refueling station. This project plays a significant role in addressing limited hydrogen fueling options in the province and connects Alberta’s abundant hydrogen production to vehicles and end-users. Located on Highway 2 in Crossfield – a busy transportation route…

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  • Alberta Rail Terminal Decarbonization

    Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) is seeking to deploy two (2) hydrogen fuel cell-powered locomotives into regular switching and local freight service in the Lethbridge, AB region. Hydrogen supply infrastructure using fixed-point and mobile Direct-To-Locomotive (DTL) refueling solutions will be deployed to support continuous operation of the locomotives throughout the two-and-a-half-year period of the project…

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  • Electrification of Industrial Railway Switching in closed loop operations

    Cando Rail & Terminals is developing a Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery-powered switching locomotive, an initiative that has the potential to transform the rail switching industry. Cando’s innovative solution to retrofit a legacy, non-tier compliant locomotive with a Li-Ion battery propulsion system will fill a technology gap in the industry, providing a solution that is customized for…

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  • Alberta Zero Emission Hydrogen Transit (AZEHT)

    The Alberta Zero Emission Hydrogen Transit (AZEHT) project will demonstrate two hydrogen fuel cell electric buses (FCEB) to be used in road trials shared by the municipalities of Edmonton, Strathcona County, with the active participation of Calgary, and Banff/Bow Valley. The AZEHT project will give Alberta municipalities hands-on experience with the FCEB technology and position…

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  • Linde LNG Low Carbon Fuels Demonstration Project

    This demonstration project will deliver LNG to Alberta customers with a wells to wheels carbon intensity of under 62 g CO2 e/MJ in comparison to diesel fuel with a Canadian average carbon intensity of 100 g CO2e/MJ. The project is aligned with the objectives of the new Canadian Clean Fuel Standard and reduced carbon taxes…

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