Project Industry: Oil Sands – Mining

  • Demonstration of CVW Sustainable Technology at Canadian Natural Horizon

    The project aims to remediate oil sands froth treatment tailings at Canadian Natural’s Horizon Oil Sands site. Titanium’s technology has the potential to create new economic opportunities by recovering highvalue minerals contained in this tailings stream.

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  • In-Pit Extraction Process Demonstration

    Canadian Natural has taken significant steps to reduce emissions through a comprehensive GHG strategy and investments in technology and innovation. Our long-term aspirational target is net zero emissions in our oil sands operations and the in-pit extraction process (IPEP) is one of the potential technologies that could help us achieve this target. The IPEP technology…

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  • Reducing Methane Emissions and Other Environmental Impacts from Oil Sands Tailings and Ponds – Deployment of Sustainable Technology

    Titanium is working with Canadian Natural Resources Limited (Canadian Natural) to conduct engineering design for an oil sands tailings treatment system that eliminates certain tailings streams while recovering bitumen, solvent, and high-value minerals. By preventing solvent and bitumen release, the vast majority of methane emissions from mined oil sands operations can be reduced. This technology…

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  • In-Pit Extraction Process

    Canadian Natural Resources Limited (Canadian Natural) will demonstrate a field pilot of its In-Pit Extraction Process (IPEP) technology, an alternative to conventional oil sands mining and ore processing. The IPEP technology involves a relocatable, modular extraction plant that can be moved as the mine face advances. Ore processing and bitumen separation occurs adjacent to mining…

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  • Kearl ConDex Flue Gas Heat and Water Recovery Project

    This project will demonstrate ConDex boiler flue gas and water recovery technology at Imperial’s Kearl Oil Sands mine. The ConDex technology is designed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by capturing and using exhaust heat otherwise lost to the atmosphere through the flue gas streams in oil sands mining operations. The technology is a high-performance…

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  • Area fugitive emission measurements of methane & carbon dioxide

    Canadian Natural has partnered with Alberta Based LuxMux, Boreal Laser, RWDI Air, the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), the University of Alberta, and others to conduct a comprehensive program to improve detection, monitoring and quantification of methane emissions from area sources such as mine faces and tailings ponds. By developing a holistic system of sensors…

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  • Alberta Oil Sands Energy Efficiency & GHG Mitigation Roadmap Program

    Suncor Energy Inc., one of Canada’s premier integrated energy companies, works in the development and upgrading of oil sands, conventional and offshore oil and gas production, petroleum refining, and product marketing in Canada under the Petro-Canada brand. Developed in 2012 by Suncor with Jacobs Consultancy, the Alberta Oil Sands Energy Efficiency and GHG Mitigation Roadmap…

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