Materials and Methods to Manufacture Carbon Fibers from Petroleum Asphaltenes
With ~180 billion barrels of bitumen reserves in Alberta, a considerable amount of asphaltenes (~17 wt%) are present within them. Asphaltenes, being highly carbon-rich by-products, hold great promise to serve as a cheap feedstock for a wide variety of non-combustible, high-value products with high volume applications. From Phase I and II of the Carbon Fiber…
Pre-Commercial Production of Carbon Fibre and Carbon Fibre Products using Alberta Bitumen Vacuum Refinery Residue-Derived and Asphaltenes-Based Precursors
Thread’s Vision is to advance sustainable human evolution of structure and design by unlocking the productive efficiency of carbon fiber. Cumulating from over seven years of innovation, Thread has developed proprietary and patent-pending process technology to produce carbon fiber from Alberta oil sands bitumen-based feedstocks. Regarded as a strategic material in next-generation structure and design,…
Development of Lower-Cost High-Value Carbon Fibres from Alberta Bitumen Derived Feeds
Bitumen derived carbon fibres provide a route to not only create low-cost high-performance fibres for clean tech, but reduce the carbon footprint of carbon fibre production. Based on scientific advancement, the project aims at the development of functional carbon fibre prototypes for applications such as electromagnetic shielding for battery cases, conductive filaments for anodes, 3-D…
Transformation of CO2 to Valuable Carbon Nanotube Composites
Carbon Corp’s technology transforms CO2 into carbon nanotubes (CNT). CNTs have widespread use with applications in concrete, graphene, construction material, batteries, consumer electronics, wind turbines, aircrafts, automobiles, and more. Carbon Corp is operating a pilot plant in Calgary at the ACCTC to validate the technology at commercial scale. Edmonton-based Capital Power, an investor in CARBON…
CO2 to Graphene Reactors
Carbon Upcycling Technologies, previously JRE Petroleum Services, has developed a technology the captures CO2, combines it with graphite and converts it into graphene. The technology required is small and easily implemented by producers with high CO2 emissions from a variety of industries. The graphene product created from the process is a brand new family of…