CEMS to optimize SO2 conversion and lower stack temperature from gas plants

Global Analyzer Systems Ltd.

Project Type


Project Value


Project Status



Calgary, AB

Funding Amount


Global Analyzer Systems provides Alberta’s energy producers with equipment including state of the art, multi-component Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS), Data Acquisition and Control Systems, CEMS Online Reporting, Quality Assurance Plans and Compliance Auditing.

Global continues to be a trusted source for CEMS support and regulatory compliance and provides high quality, custom built CEMS solutions for a variety of industries that demand efficient and accurate emission reporting.

This energy efficiency project will use the new TRS-CEMs technology and will enable sulphur recovery units (SRUs) in Alberta, and globally, to reduce stack top temperatures while still meeting Alberta Environment’s emission guidelines. The innovation advancement builds upon Global Analyzer’s existing CEMS sampling technology to allow for continuous TRS measurement in high temperature incinerator stacks—a technology not currently available.

This is an innovative product as it will significantly simplify the process and requirements for reducing the stack top temperatures of sulphur recovery unit incinerator stacks, which directly translates to a reduction in energy consumption as well as lower emission rates of GHGs.