EcoSeis Demonstration Project
OptiSeis Solutions Ltd. provides high-resolution subsurface images through proprietary methods and algorithms that enable improved operating efficiency and safety at companies in traditional (oil and gas) and new energy economies including critical mineral mining, geothermal, nuclear, and carbon capture & storage (CCS). OptiSeis’ pioneering research on seismic analysis has led to the development of patent…
CarbinX Version 4.0
SCC FGR on gas turbine with mole sieve CCS
Strathcona Resources, in collaboration with Solar Turbines and Caterpillar Low Carbon Solutions, intends to build a commercial-scale demonstration of a Semi-Closed-Cycle (SCC) Flue-Gas-Recirculation (FGR) technology combined with a molecular sieve to effectively capture and store carbon. This technology will be applied on a gas turbine cogeneration system at our Lindbergh thermal oil facility near Cold…
BIOSALIX: Mine reclamation using and organic residuals to augment soil quality and underpin a cleantech economy through short rotation willow feedstock production
The BIOSALIX program is an innovative mine reclamation and wood biomass production process that will be undertaken at Westmoreland Coal Company’s Paintearth Mine near Forestburg, Alberta. BIOSALIX addresses two unique challenges in Alberta: the accelerated closure of prairie coal mines and an increased demand for management of organic residuals. Municipal biosolids and other organic residuals…
Direct Carbon Conversion to Chemically Enhance Supplementary Cementitious Materials for Building Construction (MACE)
Cement and concrete production accounts for 8% of annual global CO2 emissions. Traditionally, cement producers have used supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) to reduce their emissions by offsetting cement, the most carbon-intensive ingredient in concrete. Current SCMs are derived from industrial byproducts like fly ash from coal plants or blast furnace slag from steelmaking. But, as…
Repsol Oil and Gas Canada Inc (Repsol), the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and University of Alberta (UAlberta) will prove the technical feasibility and assess potential leakage risk for CO2 geologic storage in an onshore, pressure-depleted gas reservoir. The candidate reservoir, located near Edson, Alberta in Canada is operated by Repsol and is being considered…
Effective monitoring of long-term site stability for transparent carbon capture and storage hazard assessment
ENSURE will demonstrate the use of microseismic monitoring for seal integrity verification for large-scale carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects. Microseismic events provide direct insights into CO2 migration within the storage reservoir and potential caprock integrity challenges within the overburden. This goal will be achieved by developing advanced analysis tools and comparing data, existing and…
Sparse Passive-Active Reservoir monitoring using Seismic, Electromagnetics, gravity, and surface deformation (SPARSE)
As geological CO2 storage becomes commercially viable, the current state of technologies for subsurface monitoring and measurement will not be sufficient to monitor the large volumes of CO2 that will be injected and permanently stored. The most accurate way to monitor the subsurface today is by using 3D surface seismic data to create a baseline…
Reusing depleted oil and gas fields for CO2 sequestration
The RETURN project will focus on enabling CO2 injection and storage into depleted oil and gas reservoirs for long-term CO2 storage by developing novel solutions for overcoming injection challenges. Currently, high-pressure CO2 injection into low-pressure depleted reservoirs can be challenging due to cooling and potential freezing in the near-well region, jeopardizing injectivity, near-well stability, and…
Advanced multitemporal modelling and optimisation of CO2 Transport, utilisation and Storage Networks
ACTION will establish how an efficient infrastructure, connecting CO2 sources with CO2 geological storage and non-geological utilisation options, can be developed as part of regional decarbonization efforts. It will research and develop a multitemporal integrated assessment model that will support stakeholders in the planning and designing large-scale, flexible CO2 transport, utilization, and storage networks, and…