Social media toolkit

On March 28, 2024, the Government of Alberta and ERA will announce the funding recipients for the Reshaping Energy Systems technology competition. The GOA and ERA will be committing $33.7 million to 13 projects worth $88 million. All funding is sourced from the province’s Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) fund.

The Reshaping Energy Systems competition was launched in April 2023 to help modernize and strengthen Alberta’s energy systems, expand access to clean energy, and improve the reliability, cost, and efficiency of the province’s energy infrastructure. Reshaping Energy Systems was not limited to any particular energy carrier (electricity, natural gas, hydrogen, etc.) and projects that featured integration between systems for multiple energy carriers were encouraged.  

The most recent funding from Reshaping Energy Systems will support the following initiatives:

  • Installing battery technology at an industrial facility to improve energy storage and reliability.
  • Implementing a first-of-kind hydrogen fueling station along Highway 2.
  • Connecting net zero homes to a centralized control systems to optimize energy use.
  • Combining a super capacitor-based energy storage system with a hydro plant to provide fast frequency response service to Alberta’s power grid.
  • Repurposing a power site to hold a small modular nuclear reactor power plant.

If successful, these projects are estimated to deliver annual greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions of 119 thousand tonnes, cumulative reductions of almost 580 thousand tonnes by 2030, and 2.7 million tonnes by 2050. This funding is also expected to create over 830 person-year jobs in Alberta and have a $125 million GDP impact in the province by 2025. Funding amounts per project range from $500,000 to $6.5 million.

  1. Copy and paste the suggested social media posts below.
  2. Follow ERA on LinkedIn and X @ERAlberta_ to like, comment, and share content about the funding announcement.
  3. Draft your own customized social media posts. Download the Reshaping Energy Systems graphics and use the information in the “About the funding announcement” section below.
  4. Use the hashtags #ERAFunded and #ReshapingEnergySystems.

Note: These posts can also be used for Facebook and Instagram.

Artwork (hover to download)

Suggested post language

Date and time: March 28, 2024 12:00PM

Date and time: March 29 – April 5, 2024

Artwork (hover to download)

Suggested post language

Date and time: March 28, 2024 12:00PM

Date and time: March 29 – April 5, 2024

Note: You can use these graphics in addition to the ones included above.

LinkedIn (hover to download)

X (hover to download)