Research and Consulting Services
Submission Deadline: March 3, 2023, 5:00 PM Mountain Time.
ERA is seeking a service provider to undertake a study that will identify barriers to greenhouse gas (GHG)-reducing technology commercialization in Alberta.
ERA has provided over $880 million towards its portfolio of projects. These investments help de-risk important GHG-reducing technology. The technology firms that qualify for ERA investment use these funds to accelerate their path to pilot and early commercialization readiness levels. However, not all technology firms achieve commercialization. The purpose of this study is to better assess and understand the barriers ERA-supported firms have faced during the commercialization process, understand if the current innovation ecosystem could be aligned to better support these firms, or if further interventions and/or collaborations with partners should be considered.
ERA is accepting proposals that will identify, research, analyze, rank severity, and recommend solutions entitled the Barriers to Commercialization Study. The RFP process asks potential service providers to submit a proposal that will best answer how their organization can help ERA answer the research question: What are the barriers to commercializing GHG-reducing technologies in Canada?
Please see the RFP for details