UCalgary-Canadian Natural Fugitive Emissions Pilot Study: Field-Scale Deployment and Acceleration of Made-In-Alberta Technology for Fugitive Emissions Detection and Reduction

University of Calgary

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PoMELO: Vehicle-based System Measures and Monitors Methane Emissions

Approved for funding through ERA’s Natural Gas Challenge in 2020, the field pilot tested and advanced commercial deployment of a vehicle-based technology for regulatory leak detection and repair (LDAR). The University of Calgary partnered with Canadian Natural to scale-up deployment of its methane emissions mapping system at thousands of Oil and Gas facilities across Alberta until completion in 2023.

The technology, PoMELO, is an emissions management system developed at the University of Calgary that incorporates a scientific-grade multi-sensor hardware unit, advanced software to automate data processing and guide decision making, and a work practice to accelerate actions to reduce methane emissions. The objective of the mobile sensing system is to monitor site-level emissions measurements of upstream oil and gas wells and facilities. The high-quality emissions data produced on site enables emissions reductions by generating information to perform regulatory leak inspections from which repairs and retrofits can be made. Aiding oil and gas facilities to find methane leaks faster and at a lower cost, this technology can also be used by government agencies, oilfield service providers, NGOs, and climate investors.

Successfully Transferred University Technology to Industry

During the project, partner Canadian Natural used the PoMELO system to achieve regulatory compliance and improve the cost-effectiveness of their leak detection and repair (LDAR) program, while simultaneously advancing the PoMELO technology. The PoMELO completed 4,998 on-pad surveys of 1,564 oil and gas sites. The technology was successful in finding and informing repairs of fugitive methane emissions sources form oil and gas equipment. The University of Calgary developed technology, successfully advanced for full-scale deployment and is used by several oil and gas companies in Alberta outside the project. Further commercialization requires a suitable partner with skilled technical personnel, an understanding of the volatile methane market, and continuous hardware management.

What’s next?

After the success of the project, Canadian Natural is continuing to utilize the technology for regulatory LDAR surveys. As well, there is further interest in the PoMELO as it is being piloted by an Alberta-based service company, and another producer has purchased and deployed a PoMELO system. PoMELO is available for oil and gas producers to acquire and use to reduce emissions through the University of Calgary. The University of Calgary offers support, construction, and customization technical services to ensure the IP is open and available for use.