Project Clear Horizon is a regional Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) value chain in Southeast Alberta expected to permanently sequester up to three million tonnes of CO2 annually.
FEED Study:
The final output for the FEED Study will be an integrated engineering design package that includes key deliverables describing in detail the engineered solution for carbon capture at natural gas fired power plants to point of sequestration in support of a CCUS Hub. This engineering solution will also evaluate the Transportation Network from the large emitter plant gates to the injection facility plant gate in the context of the CCUS value chain. The integrated engineering package will provide a project baseline from which engineering, project execution, construction, facility operations, and business decisions can be made with confidence. It will be designed to address the Project challenges and risks associated with delivery, operations, and safety of the facility. At a high-level, the contents of the design package will include:
- Scope of the project, Infrastructure and Facility;
- Execution Plan;
- Schedule
- Cost Estimates – CAPEX and OPEX and;
- Economic & Environmental Assessment.