Implementation of 4R Nutrient Stewardship and the NERP in AB

Canadian Fertilizer Institute I

Project Type


Project Value


Project Status



Across Alberta

Funding Amount


Fertilizer Canada (formerly Canadian Fertilizer Institute) is an industry association representing manufacturers, wholesale and retail distributors of nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur fertilizers.

The goals of this project included developing implementation strategies for farmer adoption of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship system and NERP that will generate quantifiable and verifiable GHG reductions; recognizing and advocating for farmers within their community and watershed stakeholders and identifying and evaluating the ecological goods and services as well as the social and economic impacts for the 4R Nutrient Stewardship system.

To achieve these goals, the project:

  • Developed criteria for project participation and use criteria to select farmers;
  • Built a community of practice and engagement for all stakeholders;
  • Provided tools and resources for evaluation of 4R and NERP activities at the field level;
  • Measured the social, economic and environmental impact of the best management practice adoption; and,
  • Promoted the successes of the participating farmers for recognition and advocacy in their community, within the regional watershed, amongst their peers and within the crop supply chain.

The Nitrous Oxide Emission Reduction Protocol (NERP) is intended to reduce on-farm emissions of nitrous oxide in a quantifiable, credible and verifiable way that would allow farmers to earn carbon credits.

ERA funded this project through the Biological GHG Management Program, administered by Alberta Innovates.