Demonstration of Battery-Based Bus Charging Routes


Project Type


Project Value


Project Status



Edmonton, AB

Funding Amount


eCAMION will demonstrate a set of electric bus charging technologies that will reduce barriers for electric bus adoption. The demonstration will feature two components:

  1. Showcase a practical solution for upgrading the capacity of existing electrical infrastructure to enable conventional electric bus charging infrastructure: eCAMION will install and integrate up to 1.5 MW of energy storage into existing Alternating Current (AC)-based infrastructure, at the City of Edmonton’s Kathleen Andrews Transit Garage facility.
  2. Develop a high-power charging station solution with low impact on the electrical grid and greater electrical efficiency compared to existing solutions: eCAMION will design and install a battery-backed overhead bus charger operating with a Direct Current (DC) microgrid architecture, at a significantly lower cost than any existing solution.