Project Industry: Environmental Services & Research

  • BIOSALIX: Mine reclamation using and organic residuals to augment soil quality and underpin a cleantech economy through short rotation willow feedstock production

    The BIOSALIX program is an innovative mine reclamation and wood biomass production process that will be undertaken at Westmoreland Coal Company’s Paintearth Mine near Forestburg, Alberta. BIOSALIX addresses two unique challenges in Alberta: the accelerated closure of prairie coal mines and an increased demand for management of organic residuals. Municipal biosolids and other organic residuals…

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  • Advanced multitemporal modelling and optimisation of CO2 Transport, utilisation and Storage Networks

    ACTION will establish how an efficient infrastructure, connecting CO2 sources with CO2 geological storage and non-geological utilisation options, can be developed as part of regional decarbonization efforts. It will research and develop a multitemporal integrated assessment model that will support stakeholders in the planning and designing large-scale, flexible CO2 transport, utilization, and storage networks, and…

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  • Calibration and Demonstration of Aerial Methane Imaging for Efficient, Wide-Area Methane Emissions Detection

    Kairos Aerospace has developed a technology to rapidly and cost-effectively locate and quantify methane releases over large areas. Early and accurate detection will enable directed repair of major methane leaks from a variety of sources. The project will demonstrate and validate its aerial methane imaging and quantification platform in Alberta.

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  • Satellite-Aircraft Hybrid Detection and Quantification of Methane Emissions

    GHGSat has partnered with COSIA, Schlumberger, Encana, GreenPath, and others in Alberta to develop and demonstrate a Calgary-based Aircraft-Satellite hybrid methane detection and quantification system. The two-tiered satellite/aircraft approach will enable screening and detection of large leaks from diffuse or point sources from orbit, followed by more detailed imaging and quantification by aircraft surveys that…

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  • Proof-of-Concept Testing: Software to Quantify Methane Emission Rates in Real-Time

    Minnich and Scotto has partnered with Alberta-based Boreal Laser to develop a methane quantification package that will enable existing laser-based sensors to be used in conjunction with AERMOD, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Guideline air quality dispersion model, to convert methane concentrations to real-time calculation of leak rates. The algorithm will enhance the capability of existing sensors and enable the modeling tool…

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  • Incorporating Wetland Carbon Values into Spatially Explicit Tools to Inform Land Use Decisions

    Wetlands are some of the most productive ecosystems on the planet, and as a result store approximately 25 – 35 percent of the world’s terrestrial carbon. Their value as carbon sinks means it is important to determine the amount of carbon currently stored in remaining wetlands, and to be able to predict potential carbon losses…

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  • Cement Industry Low Carbon Fuel Implementation

    The objective of this project is to develop new fuel pathways to lower the carbon footprint of the cement industry. Cement and concrete industries are large emitters of carbon dioxide. This project will measure air emissions at combustion under full scale commercial operations, optimizing the process of combustion by understanding the fluid dynamics, and developing…

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  • South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB)

    With continuing population and economic growth comes a demand not only for more water but also for improved environmental management. This initiative assisted communities in adapting to existing and future climate variability, while identifying opportunities for environmental improvement and economic growth. It also explored improvements in water storage and infrastructure, as well as the timing…

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  • Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation

    This collaborative climate change adaptation project involves a team of biodiversity scientists and policy analysts from the University of Alberta; Miistakis Institute; Alberta Innovates Technology Futures; the Government of Alberta, and the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. The team assessed hundreds of wild species, ranging from prairie flowers to backyard birds, to devise proactive strategies for…

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  • Improved construction of roads and pipelines to minimize impact on peatland greenhouse gas emissions

    ERA often supports projects that help us to find a better way forward. That’s certainly the case with this project, one that may change the way we build roads and pipelines through peatlands. Northern peatlands form natural CO2 reduction systems known as carbon sinks. As vegetation and other life forms die, the bog absorbs them,…

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