Funding Process
ERA is investing in a diverse portfolio of transformative, sustainable technologies that reduce GHG emissions and position Alberta for success in a lower emissions economy.
ERA Funding Process
Projects submitted for funding consideration are evaluated through a rigorous process to ensure that ERA’s funds are invested prudently. ERA uses a Call for the Proposals process that is divided into two stages, the Expression of Interest (EOI) stage and the Full Project Proposal (FPP) stage. This is then followed by Contracting and Project Execution. The following description outlines the process that ERA follows for its Call for Proposals funding initiatives. While this procedure is used in each case, some adaptations are made to achieve the greatest outcomes for each initiative. ERA typically finalizes its funding decisions approximately six months after receiving the original Expressions of Interest.

ERA’s evaluation process begins with submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI), which outlines the proposed project and technology advancement opportunity. A firm deadline is provided for all interested applicants to submit an EOI. Each EOI is evaluated by a team of experts with a breadth of knowledge in the areas of science, engineering, business development & growth, financing, and greenhouse gas quantification. The review team uses a standard and transparent set of criteria to evaluate each project’s potential to make an important contribution to the achievement of ERA’s goals. Projects that are well-aligned with ERA’s mandate and demonstrate high potential to achieve the objectives identified in the funding guidelines are shortlisted, and those applicants are invited to submit Full Project Proposals (FPPs).
Applicants invited to submit Full Project Proposals (FPPs) are provided with instructions and guidelines, and assigned a Proposal Advisor who provides guidance and assistance to help applicants ensure that proposals are completed fully and in accordance with the FPP guidelines. Proposal Advisors also act as the primary point of contact between applicants and ERA, and help ensure that the process is clearly understood.
ERA enters into a contractual agreement with all successful applicants. This agreement outlines details such as the project scope, work plan, deliverables and terms of funding, among others. An ERA Project Advisor is also assigned to continue providing guidance and serving as the primary point of contact for ERA.
Over the course of the funded project(s), project proponents are responsible for regularly reporting on progress. A detailed report describing project outcomes, performance and other aspects must be provided to ERA at the conclusion of each project. Information about each funded project and project status information is made available through the ERA Annual Report and in Funded Projects.
Fairness Monitor
The entire ERA evaluation process involves participation by an independent Fairness Monitor that reports directly to the ERA Board of Directors to ensure that all applicants are treated in a fair and equitable manner. The Fairness Monitor’s findings are presented to ERA’s Board of Directors before any funding decisions are made.