Heartland Waste to Energy with Carbon Capture Pre-FID Completion

Varme Energy Inc.

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Contribution Agreement


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VArme Eenrgy’s project is a waste-to-energy facility with integrated carbon capture and storage, located in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland. This will be the commercial pilot demonstration phase of the project, following the completion of the pre-FEED study which will be conducted in conjunction with Worley Parsons. The waste-to-energy technology will be provided by Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) and uses solid waste from municipality landfills as its feedstock to generate electricity for on-site and grid usage. Amine-based CO2 capture technology will be employed to capture carbon dioxide from the boiler flue gases. Once the CO2 has been removed, it will be injected into depleted oil reservoirs through the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line. This project aims to complete the pre-final investment decision (FID) front-end engineering design (FEED) work that lead to the full-scale construction of the first-of-kind facility. The project milestones include Initiating and completing the FEED study, developing and completing facility outside-battery-limits interconnection conditions, and completing all regulatory applications.