Alberta Brines to Battery-Grade Lithium: 2024 Demonstration Program

E3 Lithium Ltd.

Project Type


Project Value


Project Status

Contribution Agreement


Olds, Alberta

Funding Amount


E3 Lithium (E3) is proposing to produce battery grade Lithium Carbonate (LC) from locally sourced brine in Alberta, using a direct lithium extraction (DLE) process. The DLE process involves the deployment of sorbent materials that selectively capture lithium-ions from the brine while excluding other ions. E3 also plans to incorporate water recycling to create a close-loop water system that does not require additional freshwater. The proposed project aims to demonstrate the intended process for E3 Lithium’s commercial facility at Clearwater. E3 will gather valuable insights into reservoir performance for the overall production forecast and well layout for the commercial facility. The Demonstration Program will be located at LSD 01-16-33-27W4M, approximately 20 kilometres southeast of Olds, Alberta, where E3 Lithium operated its 2023 Field Pilot Program. The program will operate for four months in which most of the produced brine will undergo reinjection into the reservoir.