Previous Annual Reports
Our annual reports demonstrate ERA’s commitment to advancing innovative technologies that reduce GHG emissions and support Alberta’s transition to a lower carbon future.
2022/2023 Annual Report
In 2022/2023, ERA announced $140 million worth of investment in 33 projects worth a combined value of $835 million. It also celebrated the completion of 10 ERA-funded projects, and allocated all of the $55 million in funding that had been committed through the Energy Saving for Business Program.
2021/2022 Annual Report
In 2021/2022, ERA launched over $50 million in new funding and announced an additional $50 million in committed investments. It also expanded the focus of its Energy Savings for Business Program. To guide future strategic investments, ERA updated its Technology Roadmap to focus on cross-cutting technology areas of investment that can be adapted and deployed across numerous industrial operations.
2020/2021 Annual Report
In 2020/21, ERA supported the investment of over $330 million. This included funding from the Government of Alberta’s Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) Fund, and from the federal government’s Low Carbon Economy Leadership Fund (LCELF). Beyond funding technology solutions, ERA also wrapped up our Innovator Support Pilot (ISP). The initiative resulted in participating companies successfully raising $31 million to accelerate their innovative clean technologies.
2019/2020 Annual Report
In 2019/20, ERA committed over $98 million for 30 projects worth a combined value of more than $304 million. To support current projects’ needs for immediate cash flow during the onset of COVID-19, ERA also accelerated $10 million in payments to 74 active projects to support immediate operational needs. To further support innovators, ERA also hosted SPARK 2019: Carbon Positive, launched the Innovator Support Pilot, published the third edition of the Technology Roadmap and more.
2018/2019 Annual Report
In 2018/19, ERA committed over $185 million to 33 projects with a combined value of $1.6 billion. These projects are anticipated to deliver cumulative GHG reductions of more than 15 million tonnes of CO2e by 2030. To share insights and engage with stakeholders the team also participated in 38 events and workshops, with speaking roles at 28 of those events. This year ERA welcomed a new Board Chair, Dave Collyer.
2017/2018 Annual Report
In 2017/18, nine Alberta oil sands technologies received more than $70 million through the Oil Sands Innovation Challenge. Large industrial emitters with innovative ideas to reduce GHG emissions and cut costs were invited to apply to our $70 million Industrial Efficiency Challenge, and we secured new Trusted Partner agreements that help convene the right resources, and bridge the gaps on technological, business development, financial resources, and capacity challenges.
2016/2017 Annual Report
In 2016/17 ERA committed $53.5 million to advance 21 innovative technologies. The new projects combine to reduce cumulative GHG emissions by more than one megatonne by 2020, and eight megatonnes by 2030. Commitments in the past year include funding for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) as well as projects that address methane emissions, and funding for the winners of the second round of the ERA Grand Challenge: Innovative Carbon Uses.
2015/2016 Annual Report
Thirty-nine funded projects reached completion in the 2015/2016 operating year—including the largest commercial rooftop solar system in Canada. The 2015/2016 annual report profiles technologies to reduce GHG emissions in the near term as well as the game changing solutions we are advancing that will help Alberta’s transition to a lower carbon future.
2014/2015 Annual Report
In the 2014/2015 operating year, we committed funding to projects that will help to reduce GHG emissions across Alberta’s industry sectors, including agriculture, forestry, power generation and oil and gas.
2013/2014 Annual Report
In this operating year, we funded Clean Energy Production and Biological projects, as well as 24 Grand Challenge winners from across the globe working toward finding innovative uses for CO2.
2012/2013 Annual Report
In this operating year, we funded Alberta’s renewable energy and energy efficiency projects to reduce a record amount of carbon dioxide emissions. Biological projects were also funded, rounding out our portfolio.
2011/2012 Annual Report
The 2011/2012 year for us saw a new focus on climate change adaptation, funding three important initiatives. Biological methods to reduce carbon emissions were also a focus, as well as carbon capture projects and clean energy solutions. This operating year, we also funded small- and medium-sized enterprises with innovative clean energy solutions.
2010/2011 Annual Report
In our 2010/2011 operating year, we focused on renewable energy funding and energy efficiency funding to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in Alberta. This annual report focuses on these clean energy technologies and our role in clean energy funding.
2009/2010 Annual Report
In our first year of operations, we began funding clean-technology projects in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean-energy production and carbon capture and storage. 2009/2010 set the stage for our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving our adaptability to climate change.