E3Tec Service has developed a safer alternative to produce dimethyl carbonate (DMC) using CO2 sequestration rather than the toxic chemical procedure currently used. A highly sought-after product used in the manufacture of polycarbonates, DMC can be used to produce solvents, fuel additives and lithium ion batteries. The process employed is energy efficient, environmentally responsible and flexible enough to adapt to a variety of CO2 emitting industries regardless of location.
E3Tec’s process captures carbon dioxide and combines it with methanol in a reactive distillation process to produce DMC. The process is based on Heat Integrated Reactive Distillation (HIRD). HIRD is an energy efficient process that reduces both energy and capital costs, and replaces the highly toxic phosgene-based process currently in use. The process is flexible enough to be integrated with major industry sectors or converted to produce a variety of alkyl carbonates beyond DMC.